The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Olaf “Pinocchio” Scholz

Olaf Scholz’s struggle with the truth in eight falsehoods

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Centrist Populism: Favoring State over Economy

Why anti-economic policies are popular right now.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Europe: The Idiocy of the Combustion Engine Ban

Five reasons why the intervention of the EU Parliament in the automobile market won’t work.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

How Long Will High Profit Margins Last?

Stock Market: Four reasons why profit margins are likely to shrink.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

FDP: The Encroaching State in 7 Charts

Five points and seven graphics framed the discussion at the FDP party convention.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

The Global Gold Rush

The five political reasons behind the decoupling of interest rates and gold prices.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Why Is Chancellor Scholz Ignoring Germany’s Economic Issues?

Bad politics begin with the denial of reality

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Independence Day II: The Fall of the Traffic Light Coalition

How will the ‘Final Scene’ of the federal government unfold?

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Prof. Hartmut Rosa on Populism in Germany

Sociologist talks about the feeling of alienation in East Germany.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

A Tale of Two Crises

Global warming and inflation: what science recommends is stubbornly ignored.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Habeck for Chancellor?

The six reasons why Habeck has a poor chance of becoming chancellor

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Israel vs. Iran: To Attack or Not to Attack?

Three reasons why Benjamin Netanyahu will launch a major counterattack.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

The Decoupling of the DAX

Stagnating economy: DAX companies rely on help from abroad.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

AfD: Germany's Right Wing Populists

How the AfD is moving further and further to the right under Weidel, Höcke and Krah

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Interest Rate Cut? The Federal Reserve’s Hesitation

Four reasons why the Fed will likely maintain its tight monetary policy

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

The Decline of the SPD

The downward trend of the Social Democrats in eight graphs

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Basic Child Security: Madness in Motion

Five weaknesses that make this law unrealistic

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Broken Promises: Illegal Immigration on the Rise

Insights into German internal security: five key crime statistics

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Traffic Light Turmoil: Conflicting Coalition Interests

The three-star system (Greens, FDP, SPD) is heading for implosion.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

The Fairy Tale of the Polarized Society

Media under criticism: they used to provide information, now they cause outrage.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Decoupling: The New Form of Western Foolishness

International trade: the mistakes of the past lie ahead of us.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

8 Expensive Findings from the Finance Ministry‘s Latest Cost Report

Nine million euros for a split government in Berlin and Bonn

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

The German Export Industry: A Decade of Horror

Foreign trade: Five challenges for German prosperity.

The Pioneer Briefing US Edition
Published in The Pioneer Briefing US Edition by Gabor Steingart.

Electromobility: The Self-Sabotage of the Green Party

How the current coalition is failing to meet its own ecological demands.
